Jubilee of the Choir School, 1938.
The first group photo was taken at the 50 th jubilee of founding the Choir School of the Cathedral of Pécs. The only known copy of it was stolen in 2012 when somebody pry opened the locked wardrobe of the Palestrina Choir. The crime got reported, but the investigation ended without result. The photograph was in a frame, its commercial value is minimal, but it represents a great theoretical value for us. In case it (re)appears, the Ignác Glatt Society is ready to purchase it.
Kodály with the pupils of the Choir School, 1945.
This picture was most probably taken at the premiere of the Kodály’s Missa Brevis. It was published by Miklós Székely in his book titled The pedagogical method of instruction of singing in the Choir School of the Cathedral of Pécs. Béla Halász was assigned as the photographer. The original copy of the picture cannot be found in Béla Halász’s bequest, nor can the family of the author’s family present it. We can only hope there is a copy of usable quality available which we could digitalize.
National Hungarian Saint Cecilia Society group photo, 1897.
The National Hungarian Saint Cecilia Society was found in1897. A photo was taken on the founding general meeting. It was published in the Magyar Kórus [Hungarian Choir] in 1943, in rather poor quality, by favour of Jakab Léh, a choirmaster from Újvidék. We couldn’t find the original picture yet. If a visiting church music researcher would recognize it, and knows the possible whereabouts of this photograph, please, contact us!
Furthermore, we kindly ask our visitors who were connected to the Palestrina Choir or the Episcopal Choir School to make us possible to digitalize their pictures. Although, we have got many photos from Choir School children, it is still possible to enrich our collection. Thank you!